Dedicated to Pain Relief

Dedicated to Pain Relief
For over 25 years the practitioners at 'Martin Davies & Associates' based in Cheshire, UK, have been using their highly trained skills as Osteopaths to help remedy those aches and pains caused by the rigors of everyday life.
What Do Osteopaths Treat?
Osteopaths are widely known for treating the common 'bad back', but the scope is far wider than that. They spend most of their time treating very common and disabling problems which affect the back and joints and muscles of the rest of the body. Osteopaths in Cheshire are frequently consulted about disorders such as sciatica, spondylosis, neck pain, arthritic pain and rheumatism, 'frozen shoulder', tennis elbow, foot pain, migraine, knee injuries, R.S.I., sports and disc injuries.
Most people are aware that four out of five Britons will be crippled by backache at some time in their lives. The large majority of back pains result from mechanical disturbances of the spine such as postural strain, joint derangements and spinal disc injuries. These can often be relieved or completely cured by carefully designed Osteopathic management.
More and more people nowadays are choosing to consult an Osteopath for their back pain instead of just 'putting up with it' and hoping it will go away. Britain's Osteopaths treat over 7 Million patients a year!
It is not necessary to see you doctor before consulting an Osteopath.
Martin Davies & Associates, the area's longest established practice of Registered Osteopaths, charges for consultation and treatment at the Surgeries from only £36.00. The initial consultation takes about 45 minutes and subsequent visits last at least half an hour.
Contact us now for a FREE leaflet on Osteopathy or read on...
“ Some years ago I injured my lower back and was in agony. My doctor told me to go to bed for three weeks but it was sheer hell to lie there in pain while my 14 year old son tried to run my mail-order business to keep money coming in. Even going to the toilet was a major ordeal. The pain killing tablets had no effect other than to give me stomach ache and eventually, in desperation, I drove myself to the Osteopathic Surgery.
Martin Davies was able to diagnose what had happened in my back and began treatment immediately. The weekly manipulation and massage combined with exercises led to complete pain relief after just a few weeks. In fact within just three days the pain was already bearable. Six years later, I still go to the surgery every few months for a routine check up and manipulation and my back has never been better.
Not only that but, thanks to Martin Davies' advice on health, my weight is coming down and my blood pressure is just 120/80 - not bad for a 54 year old?
M T Pickering, Sandbach, October 2005.”
Why Use an Osteopath?
In the way many people recognise the benefits of visiting their dentist for a regular check up, a growing number of us are now realising the importance of maintaining a healthy spine.
Osteopaths are generally known for treating the common ‘bad back’ but their scope is far greater, treating a wide range of disabling problems which may affect the back, but also the joints and muscles in the rest of the body.
Osteopaths make a diagnosis after taking into account general health, medical history and a thorough physical examination. Treatment includes gentle, precise adjustments of the joints of the spine, pelvis and limbs.
The aim of the treatment is to restore normal posture, joint movement and alignment, allowing the body to then heal itself naturally. Pain relief and a return to optimal functionality are often associated with this process.
Osteopathy is the first complementary therapy to have undergone statutory regulation by Parliament, giving Osteopaths the same status as doctors and dentists, and guaranteeing the same level of professional treatment, protection and confidentiality.
What Can Be Treated by an Osteopath?
Osteopathy may help with many of the following problems:
- Aches & Pains
- Back Pain
- Arthritic Pain and Stiffness
- Backache
- Trapped Nerves
- Fibrositis
- Spondylosis Pain and Stiffness
- Childhood Injuries
- Joint Pain
- Lumbago
- Neck Pain
- Muscle Tension
- Frozen Shoulder
- Rheumatism
- Sciatica
- Neuralgia
- Tennis Elbow
- Sports Injuries
Note: This list is not exhaustive so please contact us for advice if you are not sure if your particular problem may be helped by a visit to one our trained Osteopaths.
For more information on Osteopathy please visit here